Monday 8 April 2013

Whitechapel Team become PRS Champions for Crisis

The Whitechapel Centre's Street Resettlement Team has been chosen by Crisis to be one of their first Private Renting Champions.

This is due to the excellent results that the team have achieved since it first started, their nominated area of expertise for this scheme being Partnership Working.  

The team were picked as they are "Focused on finding solutions to overcome any difficulties, and are keen to share their experiences and best practise. They have had a good level of success on their own private rented sector access scheme".

A Private Renting Champion will be a point of contact for advice and assistance to other schemes, on their nominated area of expertise.

(l-r) Russell, Paul, Mandie, Margi and Gary

Any other agencies or projects will contact our team for advice on partnership building with those in the private rental sector.

The Street Resettlement Scheme, which has now been running successfully for two years, has seen an increase both in those using it, and growth internally due to the huge demand for services.

In their new role they may also be asked to attend conferences/events organised by Crisis to give short presentations. They will also provide contact details for the Crisis website, and respond to other schemes’ enquiries on advice and assistance on their area of expertise.

Team manager Paul said "This down to the dedication and hard work of the team, Mandie, Margi, Carl, Gary and Russell, and all of us here at The Whitechapel are extremely proud of the results that they have achieved".

For more information on the services that are provided by The Whitechapel Centre, in particular by the Team please go to our website at:


Tuesday 2 April 2013

A Goodbye Gift From Our Local Branch of Natwest

On Monday 25th March our local branch of the Natwest closed down after many years of serving the community, yet another result of the country's struggling economy.

We were regular users of the branch, and got to know the staff there well over the years, so were very sorry to see them go.

They did however still think of The Whitechapel Centre, even when they were experiencing such a change in their personal circumstances, and gave us a donation of crockery and cutlery for people who use our services.

The donations were snapped up quickly by staff for people that were moving into their new homes, and have nothing to put in them (even a cup to drink out of) and were greatly appreciated.

So a huge thank you goes to Hazel, and the rest of the team from the branch who have served us through the years, and for thinking of how they could help The Whitechapel even as their own jobs were coming to an end.

To find out more about the services that we provide at The Whitechapel Centre, and how you can help, please go to our website at: