Wednesday 30 January 2013

Whitechapel's Support for Poverty and Homelessness Action Week

As this week is Poverty and Homelessness Action Week we here at The Whitechapel Centre want to show our support and help to raise awareness of these issues that are affecting an increasing number of people within our society

Whitechapel's very own Kevin Waldron knows first hand how easily and quickly a person's life can change as he himself has experienced homelessness first hand, and has written a wonderful poem so that he might share his experiences.


I sit here in a doorway, the one I call my home.
I feels that no one cares for me, so long I've been alone.
I roam the streets both day and night, I'm looked upon as dirt.
And people just don't understand, they cause me so much hurt.
I'm socially unaccepted, I am always pushed away.
People just don't realise, I was somebody in my day.
So now I'm just a derelict, slowly crumbling deep inside.
And when the young lads come around, I have to run or hide.
I'm taunted about the way I look, I'm spat upon at times.
Why are people so cruel to me, I am slowly, slowly dying.
I really don't want much in life, just a place to call my own.
A safe place I can sleep in, a place I can call home.

Copyright: Kevin Waldron.

It is difficult for anyone who hasn't had the experience first hand to appreciate how awful it is for a person who is street homeless.

Kevin's poem helps us to understand not just the physical feelings that we may be able to relate to, the cold and discomfort, but also the emotional difficulties that people are experiencing.

There is however hope, Kevin was himself awarded the 'Unsung Hero Award' in last year's Merseyside Recovery Awards!

The award, sponsored by Pearson Fielding Solicitors, is awarded to:

"A person who is making a heroic difference in the field of recovery - A person who is humbly getting on with it, not necessarily seeking reward, thanks or recognition but nonetheless changing the lives of others in some way."

Kevin with his well deserved award.

Kevin's is a story of great hope and success, that story could be the same for the next homeless person that you might pass in the street.

To find out more about the work that we carry out at The Whitechapel Centre, or to see how you can help please go to our website at:

Thursday 24 January 2013

Donations to The Whitechapel

It is hard to believe that during such times of great economic down turn this Christmas we have been simply over whelmed with donations of time, money, and gifts.

We have been lucky enough to receive the proceeds from numerous fundraising events within the city, some by regular supporters, and some who are brand new.

There have been carol concerts, high profile performances, appearances on 'Celebrity Who wants to be a Millionaire', along with various other musical events.

The donations have been extremely varied, from 3 big bags of knitted hats to thousands of pounds raised and donated.

We have had food donated for Christmas day, and beyond, toiletries, toys for our family centre and lots and lots of hats, scarves and gloves.

Beautiful Christmas cake donated to us was very much enjoyed!

Fundraiser Ruth has been kept extremely busy sending out thank you letters and certificates to show our appreciation for everything we have had.

It is worth also mentioning that we also received some anonymous donations, for which we are unable to send personal a personal thank you, so to all those who may have given without providing your details, THANK YOU!!

Along with all the physical gifts that people have given, we have been inundated with volunteers, offering their time, whether it be to work with people directly, or to fundraise by shaking buckets or organising events.

We are also thrilled that people have thought of us when sorting through their wardrobes this winter time, the number of clothes that have been given is simply over whelming!

Winter supplies that have been donated, for some people it may  be the thought of a warm breakfast that we can provide them with that will help them through a cold winter's night on the streets (left).

Volunteers Jim and Tina have been very busy sorting through the many clothes and blankets that we have been donated (below).

Through an initiative at the Town Hall we received a huge number of gorgeous coats that have been very much welcomed by those who use our services. They are something that will not only keep people warm throughout winter, but are a treat as something new.


As an organisation, trustees, staff, volunteers and those who use our services are completely overwhelmed with the generosity of all that have kept us in their thoughts and spent their time, money and efforts providing for us this winter.